Over the last couple of weeks, I've begun doing a lot of self reflection. Actually, that's a lie- I've been doing a lot of reflecting on other people. Specifically, I've been trying to figure out why people do what they do. Bear with me on this, as most of my blogs I usually know how they're going to start and generally how they're going to end, but this will probably read like a collection of thoughts...
I don't want to come off like I'm some evolved being, but lately I can't help but feel like I'm in high school again. I'm turning 27 but I feel like everyone else is 17, lol- some of them wish they were, so maybe that's why they act so immature. One of my coworkers, Jenna, posted about
drama the other day and I want to add my two cents.
Cliques are really popular in high school - they are pretty much synonymous with high school. I think that makes sense if you think about it. What is a clique? A clique is a small group of friends who stick with each other, and the group eventually becomes the reflection of who the individuals are themselves. You no longer are "Tracy". You are now "Tracy- you know, she hangs out with (insert name) and (insert name)." They aren't Tracy, that honor roll student that plays soccer or Tracy that drives the Camaro.... But that works perfectly for high school because high school is a place for insecure teenagers to find their "niche". They find strength and security in their clique. It's a haven for them to to be around people of similar interests, OR, it's a place for you to find people that have characteristics that maybe you wish you had, so you begin to incorporate some of those traits into your everyday life. Yea, high school is tough and can be scary and almost everyone needs a solid group of friends to be there for you. But then you go to college and GROW UP...
I was in a frat in college so I won't say that cliques don't exist in college, but after college it's time to start being your own person. And lately I see people, friends, coworkers, completely disengaging from who they are to do and
think whatever the collective group does. At some point when you grow up you have to at least acknowledge when something is not right. Case in point- one of my best friends, Schultz was at the bar with me and Jess and I'm whispering like I'm in a helicopter when some guy said something to me. He probably wanted me to simmer down or some bullshit like that. I'm shit hammered, so I start giving this guy my opinion on why he should shut his fucking mouth. So Jess gives Schultz a look and he says "well, Bryan can be an asshole..." He didn't go along with my shanigans and just say
that's my boy, he can do no wrong. He knew I was was wrong, I dissagree :), but that's irrelevant. The point is that we aren't 16 years old anymore and if I'm wrong, he'll tell me. But that's not the case for a lot of people.
A suprising number of ADULTS surround themselves with a bunch of
yes friends who massage their ego and think that if we all act like this, then we're right... right? No, you simple bitch. You're not right. You're all wrong, but if all of you are wrong, then you're all kind of right. Get it? Listen, once you graduate and get a job, it's time to start being confident enough to be your own person, not one of the flock. I'm not saying don't have friends. I'm saying the EXACT OPPOSITE. I'm saying try and have as many friends as humanly possible so you always have something new and exciting to do but just remember who your real friends are. But its a lot better than hanging out with the same 7 people talking about the same shit you talked about last week. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. For some people that may be difficult because if you only have "hang out" friends, you don't have a choice to pick
real friends.
People are so scared of being alone that they'll be with someone they don't love. They'll hang out with people that are more problematic than they're worth. They'll start doing shit that they don't even want to do to avoid being alone.
I wanted to blog about friendship in your 20's as opposed to when your 15, but I'll save that for another day. Although I will say this, I wish I had a nickel for everytime I've told a friend to "go fuck themselves". I'd be rich. But you know what? If your friend is wrong and they're really your friend, then everything will be OK. The 5 or 6
real friends I have are so close that we can do that to keep each other in check. A clique isn't made up of people that are friends. A clique is made up tree leaves. Tree leaves go wherever the wind takes them, but they're ok with that as long as they are with other leaves. Everyone should strive to be the tree- because if the leaves are really your friends, they'll grow back. It's time to grow up and be your own person, people! I'm just serious.