For those of you have not had the chance to check out Jenna's blog, I definitely recommend it. It's completely different than mine- less cursing, anger, and musings from a female perspective.
With that said, her most recent post, I took issue with. Jenna posted an opinion piece from David Letterman, essentially listing things that we Americans take for granted. First off, while that in itself is unoriginal and pretty simple, the issue I have with it was that almost each and every thing he wrote could be contested. He mentions that we have the freedom to do certain things, like "drive a car coast to coast, without having to show papers at each state". Not sure what that means or why it's so great, but just being able to do something, doesn't necessarily mean that you're able to do it. What Letterman fails to mention is that the same trip is going to cost you $4,000 in gas alone. Forget, tolls, speeding tickets, automobile wear and tear, time off from work, etc. He also states that if a "burglar is trying to steal your flat screen TV, a trained officer with a gun and bullet-proof vest, will come to your aid". Well, what about the other trained officer with a gun and bullet-proof vest who shoots a black man in the subway because he mistook his apple for a fucking "grenade".
While I could dissect each one, I will not because my issue isn't entirely with his individual points as much as it is with his entire piece being pure hypocrisy. He praises our country's freedom's, while essentially telling you to shut your mouth, stop complaining and be "good little Americans". Well, maybe I didn't get the memo, but when did being good Americans constitute keeping quiet and mindlessly support the government and the antics of the wealthy and powerful? Letterman brags that we don't have to worry about being raped or murdered in the streets. Well, how about all those families and tax payers that are being raped and fucked because banks and greedy suits on Wallstreet don't give a shit about anyone or anything other than their bank accounts.
Listen, I do love this country, but can we stop defining Patriotism as the blind devotion to one's government regardless of how you truly feel. Just because other countries are in far worse shape than us, doesn't mean we're perfect. Letterman, thinks this is reason why other countries hate us? They hate us because we "whine"? Or, maybe it's because we walk around with our noses in the air and a t-shirt that say "Hey, my country can kick your country's ass". I think as Americans we have the right- no, the responsibility to continue to demand more and continue to support each other and our government in anyway we can to achieve a better nation.
I don't really write political posts, nor do I plan to continue writing them, but there's nothing wrong with not thinking this country is perfect. And just for the record "perfect" is a relative term. Back in the 1800's, a lot of people thought everything was gravy. Well, 200 years can put a huge dent in your definition of perfect.
1 comment:
I posted his statement for this exact reason, to get people talking. While there are certain things I agree with in what he said, mainly I think it is a great piece to start people thinking, especially pre-election. For every benefit that American's receive, there is an equal detriment for that good (thanks Econ 101!).It's all a matter of how we look at things, what we are willing to sacrifice in order to have the things we want, & whether or not we even care about any of it.
PS - thanks for the blog shout out :)
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