Friday, January 30, 2009

Comeback Falls Short

Reich and Tang fell short last night 45-38. But I really can't get down about this loss. We were getting our asses handed to us 32-16 in the second half when we stormed back with a 14-1 run. We were absolutely gassed by then and couldn't maintain our intensity and ended up losing by 7. I will say that with a shot clock, we might have completed the greatest "comeback of all time" but it was not meant to be. Props to Dre and myself for bringing this team back from the dead. LOL, seriously, everyone did a great job playing as a team in the second half. It definitely helped that Estrada sat on the bench during that comeback, using an orange safety cone as a microphone and encouraging us... what a jerk! Anyway, here are some pics of the game.

...and Boom goes the dynamite!

I caught the "and 1" on this play... and promptly missed the ensuing free throw

Dre loves playing in the box

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