This really should have been titled "Pet Peeve #811" because really this shit annoys me to no end. Let me paint you a picture- no not literally, jackass.
You finish watching a movie; it can be at a theatre or the comfort of your home, no matter, when some massive douche says "the book was better". Take this moment to visualize me roundhouse kicking the perp in the jaw.
I have two problems with this pompous log of shit. The first is that they say it as though they have just blasted us in the face with some profound knowledge. I mean, when someone says "the movie was better", that is when I'll be somewhat interested in your groundbreaking nugget that the 700 page book was better than it's hour-and-a-half cinematic counterpart!
My second, and this is a big one- see if you can keep up, is that numb nuts said that NOT to really inform you that the book was better so you can go out now and read it, because no one does that shit and they know it. No, they said "the book was better" just to inform your illiterate ass they they actually read a book! FUCKING A! I knew you could read but The DaVinci Code?! I had no idea that you could manage to get through a 300 page book written at a 4th grade reading level. This is amaze-tastic! I'm going to split your head open just to give your massive cerebellum more room to grow because obviously your melon is suffocating your thirst for knowledge, that can only be obtained by reading ridiculous fiction books. Condescend this:

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