Friday, January 16, 2009

RNT Brick Party!

RNT took the court last night and the results were the same as softball... but just like softball, we're about to turn a corner. We could have won last night if the other team hadn't brought a 6'6" monster to the game. We held our own and made a little run at the end. Here are some terrible picks of the game below. I mean how hard are the following instructions? TAKE AS MANY PICS OF ME AS POSSIBLE! Well, apparently the answer is very because these are all I got. Enjoy!

This is Nunes- He's not as good as this picture suggests

Quite the action shot of me...

Yea, that's me too...

Estrada getting blocked by the whitest guy ever

I'm number 1- on the court and in your hearts!


jess said...

i think my photographic skills are quite commendable... it isn't my fault that you don't make any photo worthy plays! haha naaah just kidding, you're TOO fast for my camera.

i did take some pretty sick action shots that you didn't post though. selfish! how am i supposed to get my sports photography business going if you don't give me any play?

Im Just Serious said...
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Im Just Serious said...

I believe some rapper said it best:

If it don't make dollars (the pics), then it don't make cents (posting on my blog)...

Werd to your mother!