I overheard a conversation today. Some coworkers were talking about the plane that recently crashed in Buffalo last night. There were a couple of comments that I heard that as per usual, I have to pick apart, lol. First off, summing up plane crashes in general by saying "that's really scary" is not only incredibly obvious- but also incredibly wrong. Just because something happens once in a blue moon, doesn't make me scared of it. Are we really walking around in our daily lives scared a plane is about to crash into us? Are police carrying guns in case a plane robs a bodega? I have a friend who sleeps with a shotgun when her husband isn't home at night- is it because she's worried a masked plane is going to break into her house and rape her?! No, all those things happen because of black people.
Second, there was a woman on the plane who was a 911 widow. Well, all anyone can talk about is how tragic that shit is. Why is it we act so fucking shocked when something bad happens to a 911 survivor or widow? Did Jesus already punch their pain and suffering card? Is it written somewhere that we're maxed out at one bad thing per life? If that's the case, most of us have already hit that threshold.
I have a better idea, let's round all the 911 widows and survivors up and wrap them and all their loved ones in bubble wrap to ensure nothing bad ever happens to these people again. No, I'm not saying it's not horrible and I can't imagine the amount of grief her family must be feeling. As a friend of my says (and I agree) they deserve a free pass for the rest of their lives. I'm just asking those of us who weren't impacted at all by the newest bad thing to happen to 911 victims stop acting like we're amazed something bad happened to them again? I believe Ghandi said it best "shit happens".
BTW- I'm joking about the 'black people' joke? I'm just serious.
Second, there was a woman on the plane who was a 911 widow. Well, all anyone can talk about is how tragic that shit is. Why is it we act so fucking shocked when something bad happens to a 911 survivor or widow? Did Jesus already punch their pain and suffering card? Is it written somewhere that we're maxed out at one bad thing per life? If that's the case, most of us have already hit that threshold.
I have a better idea, let's round all the 911 widows and survivors up and wrap them and all their loved ones in bubble wrap to ensure nothing bad ever happens to these people again. No, I'm not saying it's not horrible and I can't imagine the amount of grief her family must be feeling. As a friend of my says (and I agree) they deserve a free pass for the rest of their lives. I'm just asking those of us who weren't impacted at all by the newest bad thing to happen to 911 victims stop acting like we're amazed something bad happened to them again? I believe Ghandi said it best "shit happens".
BTW- I'm joking about the 'black people' joke? I'm just serious.
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