D-N (W-Q)/ R= S
D is the number of days you tell someone about the gym or your diet
N is the number of days you actually go to the gym or stick to your diet
W is the number of weeks you stick to this plan
Q is the number of weeks you take off in between sticking to your plan
R is the number of people you tell this to
...and all that equals to S, or the amount of shit you're full of.
Come on people! If you are really dieting or working out people would be able to tell. If the only reason "Suzie" knows you working out is because you told her... it doesn't count. And I'm not the bad guy here. I have told people that I've started to notice a change in their physique to try and motivate them, even if it wasn't 100% true. Half the time, they take that as a reason to completely stop because they've hit their "goal"...
Ahhhh, feels good to be back. I'm just serious... get back to the gym!

P.S. This post doesn't apply to those who actually work out and diet. If you got tips you actually want to share, then I'm all for it. This post applies to those "who know who you are..." LOL
P.P.S One of my friends emailed me about this post... and she said "I don't know if I should be mad at you for being an asshole or mad at myself for not going to the gym enough, lol" Thank you, thank you.
This is a 500 calorie comment.
lol, that's pretty true, people are so proud of themselves for going to the gym.
hahahaha that is so true man. am i supposed to think someone's a god because they're lying about having worked out the night before?
on a related note, when someone at the gym asks you how many sets you have left, have you ever actually given an honest answer? i ALWAYS bullshit them..if i have one left i'll say 3, do one and walk away. the asshole will just stand there for about 5 minutes until he realizes you were lying. try it out next time.
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