In order to sum up my company's basketball season, I will quote Albert Einstein:
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.
Every week we have a female conversation about what we did wrong the night before and how we need to fix it for the upcoming week. Why do I call it a female conversation? Well, because it's 5 people standing around not listening to a word anyone else is saying and is waiting for a pause in the conversation to put their own two cents in.
The thing is, we have some really good players on the team. But no one on this team has every played 5 on 5 basketball which is a lot different the 2 on 2 or 3 on 3 playing without a ref on the courts in the playground. But our season is pretty much over which in a way is good. It's going to allow everyone to just focus on having fun which anyone from home can tell you, is not my strong suit- yes, I'm a real sore loser. LOL. Next game goal: score 15 points anyway possible.
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