Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Finger Bang

There are a lot of things women complain about that men will never even come close to understanding. We will never know what it is like to push a mutated bowling ball out of a body cavity 3 inches long... well, 4 or 5 for some of the more experienced gals... JS. Men don't have to get their eyebrows plucked or areas waxed. Even sitting in the space aged hair dryers at saloons looks uncomfortable. But during a round table pub discussion, a couple months back, my friends Sarah and Ericka were bitching about blowing drunk guys. They joked about how it really is a job cuz you could be down there for 20 minutes... to which the guys just laughed.
But much like everything I hear, I had to argue! "NAY, Woman!" I replied. Guys go through similar stuff like that with women all the time. I can remember plenty of times (mostly in high school, as second base is no longer an option at 26) trying to digitally pleasure a woman, as in with my hand and not a TV, and it not happening. I swear the burn in my forearm was worse than anything I've experienced lifting weights in the gym. I should make an infomercial selling this exercise to America. It would sweep the nation. First step find and insecure girl- actually any girl with an incredibly small g-spot will suffice and go to town. Every 5 minutes, switch hands. I'm sure you'll see results in 3 - 4 weeks, or your money back. I'm just serious- no refunds.

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